lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

Ser o Parecer

Hace un ano que la conozco, durante dos semestres nos vimos casi todos los dias, por dos y tres horas consecutivas. Comimos juntas, estudiamos juntas, nos reimos de los mismos chistes y muchas veces chocamos con puntos de vista diferentes en cuestiones politicas y culturales. Sin embargo no fue sino hasta hace unas dos semanas que supe que ella era Adventista.

At first I was in shock, and I couldn't hide it! I told her I had no idea she was Seventh Day Adventist, and the funny thing was, she asked me why! Pues no se, pero no pareces!!!! However, after she told me, things started to make sense; I realized she was not wearing jewlery, I remember she was never part of the group that started the "party at the bar" after class, at the end of the week; and finally, she had also mentioned once her parents lived in Berrien Springs, but, my goodness, not even then I thought about it.

Sin embargo, it was after that conversation, afer my brain matched every detail, that a terrible memory came to my mind; (and no, its not that I gave a bad example to her, people, I'm a teacher, I cant do that any more!) I remember Middel School; the days of my early teen age years when I did not care much about church, when I was in a dance club and when my language was .... de cinco palabras 7 eran malas.

Entonces recorde High School!!!! Even worst; I remember I was living a doble life. La jovencita buena en la iglesia, la joven un tanto rebelde en la escuela, pero la chica "cool" que no le importaba fumar frente a sus "otros" amigos. I dont even think many of my friends from that epoca saw me smoking, but my mother knew and she was so upset she hated all my friends from that time (Carlitos, I dont think she knows you are a new man now!!!)

Muchas veces no parecia lo que "era" o quiza no era lo que "parecia". Y ni en una lado ni en el otro fui completamente feliz. Me pregunto, cuantas veces la gente supo que yo era cristiana y ni siquiera lo creyeron?

Hoy dia tambien he visto el otro lado de la moneda. Individuals who profess to love God, who are so fanatic about certain issues and yet, when you talk to them they are far from knowing what mercy is!

Como jovenes debemos elegir si queremos Ser Cristianos o Parecer Cristianos... El Ser, significa que somos todo el tiempo, sin importar el lugar, la presion del grupo, de los padres o de la sociedad. El parecer, however, means tu puedes parecer una cosa hoy y otra manana. Conoces a alguien que parece Cristiano y no lo es? Que prefieres, Ser o Parecer?

19 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Parecer cristianos es vivir una gran hipocrecia, aparentando algo que no eres, dandole latigazos al que supuestamente (de acuerdo a ellos), no esta muy bien. En una iglesia del area,una señora predicó y acabó con los dirigentes y hermanos. Despues alguien comentó que esa "santa" habia hecho tremendo escandalo de adulterio en otra iglesia del area. Gracias a Dios que El puede llegar al corazon de los sinceros igual que el de los hipocritas y El solamente El puede ver la diferencia.

Anónimo dijo...

No se si eres de MI pero yo tambien escuche algo parecido, habra sido la senora que dijo recibir mensajes sobre la mucha tolerancia que le tenemos a los jovenes?

Yo creo igual; Parecer cristianos es vivir una doble vida, no se puede ser genuinamente feliz. Arraigarnos en la vida cristiana de corazon te da la libertad que muchos dicen encontrar fuera de la iglesia; la libertad solo se puede encontrar cuando vivimos una vida real al lado del Salvador!

Anónimo dijo...

what do you think about las mujeres que se operan (senos, liposuccion,..) por tener complejos y son de la iglesia?

Yo conozco a varias, y la verdad no se si este en contra de lo que dice la palabra de Dios (somebody tell me)

I'm a Male, for me this is like un reflejo de querer ser y no ser.

I love this blog Zoraida. I really like to meet you. You're so cool.

I live in Mcallen tx, y vivi un tiempo in dallas.

This blog made the things with the truth.


zvwritings dijo...

Bienvenido Mcallen Male! Keep enriching our blog with your opinions, it helps many, many jovenes. I might go to TX next year for a youth activity but it hasnt been confirmed yet. I'll keep you posted.

Lo de las operaciones, that is a shaky ground; I have a friend who, after having her children, was very depressed with the way her body looked. She had the money, and as she said, she never stopped paying her diezmos or giving ofrendas because of that expense. Now, I think that, in order to understand the extend of that desicion we need to see (and maybe tu no los sabias pero aqui te va!) that many women today use push up bra to keep "stuff" in place! So, the difference is, you are putting the "push up bra" permanently in your body. Some may say that doing so is like doing a tatoo, or a piercing in your body (que es templo del Espiritu Santo) and I can agree with that but...

We put things inside our bodies for health reasons too! Isnt that the purpose of a bypass? Maybe we can think doctors are intervining with what God wants, maybe God wants that person to rest and we insist and darle mas tiempo con la dichosa operacion!

This might not be the best example; but to me, one saves someone's life the other saves someone's mind (from depression and everything that comes along with that) Que crees?

zvwritings dijo...

A mi gente de Michigan, lamento no saber quien es la persona que predico, pero espero que el Senor toque el corazon de los afectados y les recuerde que nuestra humanidad tiende a ser mas evidente cuando nos alejamos del Senor.

Saludos y los veo el 22 de Septiembre!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Hi, I'm Mc'allen Male, i was waiting for you in tx.

Espero verte y conocer mas acerca de tu forma tan hermosa de ver las cosas.

You're so special, because tu ayudas a que las cosas don't look terribles como si fuera castigo.

Seguire en contacto contigo via this beautiful blog, and i hope recibir la esperanza desde tu punto de vista que es awesome!

you look beautiful in the photo!

zvwritings dijo...

Gracias corazon, la foto es una profesional y el lente ayuda mucho. Te dejare saber cuando estaremos por alla, la invitacion fue extendida, creo que para una actividad de jovenes, pero como te dije no ha sido confirmada.

Siempre bienvenido. Dios ha querido que este blog exista, solo a El hay que darle la gloria!

Anónimo dijo...

Me parece interesante cómo cambia de plano las preguntas existenciales que toda persona cuerda se hace y que la religión apenas nos llena lo suficiente como para calmar ese dragón que pregunta quiénes somo y a dónde vamos. Existencialmente la pregunta es ¿soy o estoy? la diferencia entre ser y estar. Volviendo al tema de ZV pienso que es importante primeramente si como persona, en cuestión de personalidad somos genuínos. Amigos genuínos, novios, esposos, etc. Me refiero al día a día fuera del plano religioso. También pienso que la religión a veces dependiendo casi siempre de la cultura inhibe a los jóvenes a ser de su época en algunos aspectos. Esto es un problema porque se ignora la importancia sico-social en que el/la joven debe desenvolverse. Lo mejor es ser honesto y decir qué te gusta y qué no te gusta de tu sistema religioso. Eso es sinceridad, eso es honestidad y está más cercano a la verdad que aparentar por no llevarle la contraria a la iglesia. No se callen y canten las cosas como las ven porque eso es SER, callar es NO SER y eso sí es un dilema, ¿verdad mi querido Shakespeare? ¡Mucho Love!

Anónimo dijo...

Anonymous, that was deep. I think I love you! Like I love all my brothers and sisters. The way you write in Spanish is so telling of your educational background. I bet you were a teacher's pet. I agree with the your point of you. The hard thing to do here is to be honest with yourself. Until we do, it will be hard to be honest about who we are and what God do we actually serve.

About plastic surgery!! Where do I start? Plastic surgery as a medical tool is one of the best modern advances in medicine. To think that you can reconstruct someone's face after a dog bit it off is nothing short of amazing!! To use it as a tool to change your perception of beauty, it's plain vanity. Some women do really need plastic surgery in their breast. Sometimes a large breast can cause a number of different medical problems. It can cause herniated disks in your back. Pendulous breasts will also cause neck pain and skin irritation, even skeletal deformities and breathing problems. Another problem that large pendulous breasts can cause is, scars and deep grooves on a women's shoulder from the straps of the brassiere digging into her skin.

Bottom line is, we cannot change the consequences of sin. We were not meant to be physically deform. Being the only ones created in His image, we were meant to be the most beautiful creation of God.

Now, one of the reasons why we are here it is beause of the question, TO BE? or NOT TO BE LIKE GOD!!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

WHo can be like something we don't know how it is? We barely have an IDEA of what is that THING we call God and see as a male person. How can u become a mystery? How is perfect? Those are the questions for you my friend. Mucho love!

Anónimo dijo...

Hahaha,Pecador, I was not teacher's pet, I wish! I would get "reglazos" from teachers. I happen to be good at languages (4) at least. I hit those books and 3 more clases for my masters.

About surgeries, what a big mess. I think that it doesn't have to do much w/ God cause we don't know fisically what is "perfect". Yet I agree that it is a mental disorder brought up by society. Mucho love!

Anónimo dijo...

I know many operated women who are adventist and go to the church, even in the programming of the channel 3ABN giving topics and kitchen recipes. The world has reached us, and really it is desicion of every whom. Every who have the reasons to invade his body with external agents.

I seen known that i've years without seeing her in the channel 3ABN giving recipes of food veggie with an operation very obviusly of breast and really I impress myself, i don't thing some of this blog know her, but, many that knew her some time ago look the big difference now.

To these things we submit ourselves on having lived in the world to seeing the external thing, the internal thing and judging by it. We are a spectacle to the world.

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
Anónimo dijo...

Gabriel S.

I'm really Angry at your comments Gabriel S. Who do you think you are to invade someone's privacy? I don't know any of those people you decided to violate, but what you have done is something repugnant with no vision of who will get hurt. If these are fictitious names (which I think not) you should've stated so in your comments, before defaming someone to that extent.

Your only reason to post a comment on this blog was to gossip. SHAME ON YOU GABRIEL S.

One last question GABRIEL S.


Anónimo dijo...

I think the same thing. I do not mention it that anybody was offending the people putting names to appear here. Your commentary is a coward and rudely. And you don't are a really christian, because we need protect ours brothers, don't attack. You tell us NO WAR.

I don't say you where i live and where i am.

Gabriel I hope that you do not return to use this forum for it. Please!

I am offended by your commentary.


zvwritings dijo...

Gabriel, aprecio mucho que vengas a compartir tus comentarios con nosotros, creo que mientras mas personas comentan, mas nos enriquecemos todos ya que este ejercicio nos ayuda a ver los puntos de vista de los demas.

Sin embargo mencionar nombres, que no sea el tuyo propio o nombres con referencias biblicas o a la historia provista, puede resultar ofensivo, en especial si lo que se esta diciendo podria ser o no cierto. Por esta razon tu comentario ha sido suprimido.

Se te sigue apreciando mucho. Espero verte por aqui otra vez. Dios me lo bendiga!

Anónimo dijo...


You are very wise. I don't think I would've found the words to get Gabriel S. to come to terms with the consequence of his actions, just as I have to come to terms with the consequence of my own actions. I have acted like the accuser of the human race, pointing ours sins and making us feel unworthy of God's grace. For a moment of weakness, I became the one thing I hate the most, "un hermano de la iglesia". Un "hermano de la iglesia" who is prompt to point and judge, "un hermano de la Iglesia who instead of love shows no mercy, "un hermano de la iglesia" that favors division instead of unification. This is not who I want to be, this is not how I want people to see me. In one short outburst I TRASHED MY BROTHER FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO READ!!!


I am sorry for putting my foot on your throat instead of a helping hand. I wish that nobody else would see and read this apology but you. Because o the nature of this media, that's impossible. Believe me when I tell you, that I regret deeply the things I've said, forgive me because I am only a "pecador" the worse among us.

Gabriel, I have done wrong to you, it would mean a lot to me, to know that you have accepted my apologies.


Anónimo dijo...

Honestamente me gusto esa discusion entre Gabriel y Pecador, ahi se ve realmente lo que significa vivir como Jesus vivio! Lindo ejemplo!

Anónimo dijo...

This page is set as one of my bookmarks. I see it every day hoping to see if Gabreil will write something to "Pecador".

And I'll wait!!!