miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007

Dedos al aire

"Ernesto", es un joven profesional de la salud y dedicado a su trabajo. Hace unas semanas hubo una emergencia en el hospital y le toco quedarse a trabajar doble turno, saliendo a las 7am. Pudo quedarse en casa pero decidio irse a la iglesia. Se puso lo mas comodo posible, pensando que, una vez terminado el culto, iba a irse directamente a la casa a descansar. Poco recordaba el pobrecito, que ese sabado le tocaba subir a la plataforma a cantar.

Yo estaba arriba en el equipo de sonido, cuando vi el grupo subir a cantar. Los muchachos son de gustos diversos; hay uno que simpre va en traje, otro va en pantalon de salir con manga larga y otros con manga corta (ok, tambien con pantalon de salir, ni modo que en calzoncillos). De repente veo a mi amiguito Ernesto. Tengo que decir que me encanto su ropa; un pantalon ancho de hilo (muy elegante) una camisa de manga larga estilo gitano, y unas sandalias que dejaban ver sus dedos.

De mas esta decir que el grupo canto, se escucho precioso, y el predicador entro en su momento y tuvo un inspirante tema. Pero... claro que si! Al final del culto, un diacono se le acerco a Ernesto y le dijo "hermano, la proxima vez que suba a la plataforma, use zapato cerrado".

Aparte de pedirle a Dios que me abriera un hoyo en el piso pa' meterme, espere unos segundos para ver la reaccion de Ernesto; Para mi sorpresa, Ernesto contesto de la manera mas comica pero real que existe. El diacono lo miro, se rasco la cabeza, sonrio y siguio caminando sin poder constestar. "Yo tengo el mismo derecho de subir a la plataforma con zandalias de salir, ensenando los dedidos de los pies, como lo tienen las mujeres que suben cada sabado con zapato de salir, ensenando los de ellas.

Yo tambien me hubiera ido...

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

I remember that there was a young man (I don't remember where he was from) that preached en la Iglesia Maranatha one Sabbath. He was REALLY good and the jovenes really enjoyed his animated preaching. Zory, for some reason I think he was invited by you (I could be wrong). Anyway, he had long black hair, dress pants, a nice short sleeve dress shirt, and yes he also had on flip flops. When he was done giving his wonderfully animated sermon, I could tell that all the jovenes were very impressed by him. But I also heard comments from some of the older adults on how he should have worn something different. And how his hair was too long. I just shook my head thinking..."is this what they were paying attention to during the sermon? How he looked instead of the words God spoke through him?" Whatever happened to "come as you are"? What a shame that people are so stuck on a person's looks and the way they carry themselves instead of what's important... la manera en que Dios esta trabajando en sus vidas.

zvwritings dijo...

I cannot agree with you more Anny! His name is Pedro Guzman, we call him Piro. He actually came a few sabbaths ago to Wyoming and God used him in such a way that the jovenes were paying attention through the whole sermon, actually, I would say, every adult was engaged that morning. He was wearing a ponytail but, to my amazement, Pastor Polanco, when he introduced him, said that he too had long hair when he was a young pastor in the Dominican Republic and that God sees beyond hair beyond looks. Sure enough, God showed his power by using Piro that weekend. However, he was wearing a suit, a tie and no sandals. Maybe that's why the adults were not hyperventilating!